
Showing posts from June, 2019


Nowadays, we all seek any information or data via the Internet. In this case, all digital marketers should pay more attention to their concern websites. If we talk about a website, it not only mentioning the content and information, we provide into it. But also, the layout and design of your websites. Yes, you should give more importance to the website, which is going to ease your customers. We will give you a scenario, which will make you realize the importance and value of the UI in digital marketing. Imagine you are a user, entering into a website. First and foremost, what you’ll see on a website? The landing page or home page plays a vital role in attracting the customers to your website more. What will make you explore more? The design, shortcuts and images will take you through the exploration of the website. If the website is ordinary or clumsy, what will you do as a user? No other way, you will quit from the current website and start t


When did people start to run behind PaperBoat?     PaperBoat is an Indian brand of traditional juices and started to raise their pillars in 2011 by foursome friends namely, Neeraj Kakkar, Suhas Misra, Neeraj Biyani and James Nuttall as Hector Beverages in Gurgaon. Gradually, this young and vibrant brand extended their branches by launching Tzinga in Delhi and moreover in every place in India. The main motto of PaperBoat is to popularize the Indian and Homemade juice all over the world and moreover, they connected with the strong people’s emotions via their popular marketing strategy. PaperBoat became successful instantly using a pretty easy digital marketing strategy. They grabbed the attention of thousands and thousands of people within 90 days. This is a spectacular success for PaperBoat, which improved them to climb the ladder of success in breakneck speed.   What kind of digital marketing strategy did they inculcate?   What made them garner a myriad of c
CAN ANYONE START DIGITAL MARKETING? Yes, anybody can start their own digital marketing business. Unlike other industries, anyone can do it without any formal qualification to run your own business. People whoever wishes to run digital marketing, read more to obtain the knacks to do in digital marketing.In this thriving digital world, even a kid is using the internet to garner any information or data or to play games. Under this scenario, many people are surging to use this tactic in their business. What is digital marketing? Digital marketing is up to the minute way in marketing your products or services. It is the means of marketing your products or services using multiple digital technologies like mobile phones, internet, search engines, email, and display advertising and mobile apps. Why digital marketing has become a prominent one? Digital marketing not only become a prominent one but also a popular one among all the individuals. Primarily, mill